Stone Flush promotes a healthy urinary tract. Helps removal of kidney stones pain. Maintains a normal urine composition and muscular integrity. Stone Flush is known for supporting treatment in urinary infection and its anti-lithiatic property, which blocks the formation of oxalates in urinary stones.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Desi Khaand (Saccharum album), Varuna (Crataeva nurvola) Bk., Pashanbhed (Saxifraga ligulata) Rt., Kulthi (Dolichos biflorus) Sd., Muli Kshar (Raphanus sativus) Rt., Bada Gokhru (Pedalium murex) Frt., Gokharu Kshar (Tribulus terrestris) whole plant, Jav kshar (Hordeum vulgare) whole plant, Pathorchur (Coleus aromaticus) Whole Plant, Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) Rt., Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) Rt., Ajwain (Trachysperum ammi) Frt., Mint (Mentha spicata) Lf. Ext. & Citrus limon (Citrus Limon) Frt. Peel.
DOSAGE: 1-2 tablespoons twice or thrice a day or as directed by the physician.
STORAGE: Keep in cool, dark & dry place
- Helps to flushes out small stones from the kidneys
- Inhibits the formation of kidney stones
- Normalizes urinary pH and alleviates burning during urination
- Beneficial in soothing an irritated bladder
Sold & Marketed By – Darjuv9 Enterprises Private Limited, Darjuv9 Tower, 41/35, West Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi – 110 026.
Manufactured By: Gurukul Ayurved Pharmacy, Gurukul Mahavidyalaya, Jwalapur, P.O. Gurukul Kangri, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India – 249404
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